Parameters in CAM 3.1.2 UI prevents the use of certain special characters

Originally posted on IBM Cloud Automation Manager blog by Hendrik van Run on 8 April 2019

As some clients found out recently, the CAM 3.1.2 UI prevents the use of certain special characters in parameters (.,<>). This applies to a number of scenarios, for example when defining a Cloud Connection and specifying a password containing special characters.

However it would equally apply when deploying a Terraform template that takes a parameter to point to a specific part of an LDAP directory, i.e. ou=ibm,dc=com. Here the ‘,’ is one the special characters not allowed by the CAM UI.

The good news is the CAM UI should no longer have this limitation in the upcoming Q2 release. In the mean time, you can call the corresponding CAM API which does not have any special character limitations”:

CAM API to create a new Cloud Connection

CAM API to deploy a Terraform template

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